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Web Development X

Learning and Productivity Tips

“Truth flourishes where the student’s lamp has shone,
And there alone,”
, W.B. Yeats


*from latin Studium, meaning zeal, painstaking application, dedication.

A Venn diagram consisting of two intersecting circles. The circle on the left is labelled Functions whereas the circle on the right is labelled Variable Scope. Their intersection is labelled Closure

(A quick Google image search for “closure javascript” results in this nice visual diagram by Edward Huangabout)

Where to look for information

How to draw to remember more

How to draw to remember more | Graham Shaw | TEDxVienna YouTube video, 17min



Use ChatGPT with extreme caution!

When ChatGPT is confidently wrong YouTube video, 8min

Visual Studio Code

Here you can find tips for getting the most out of this awesome IDE and its numerous extensions!


Apart from the beautiful colors the extension adds to our CSV file, it offers a great consistency checker!

How to use it

At the bottom of you VSCode when there is an editor open with a CSV file, there is a button named CSVLint. Click on it to check your file’s validity. After the process is finished, the button is colored:

As per creator’s documentation:


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