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Web Development X

Week 08 | JavaScript Core 2

Week 07 ⇦

Updated: 4/12/2023

⇨ Week 09

Week 08 - Day 1 | Understanding Programs - Part 1


Study Plan

This Module is about “Understanding Programs”. It’s not enough just to know the language features in JS. Before you can write good programs you need to learn how to understand code that you did not write. The following module contains a handful of sections that provide you a good amount of JavaScript programs and a lot of tools,methods and good practices on how to properly understand programs written by others!

In order to follow the material, you will need to install and use the study-lenses tool. Here are the instructions in case you’ve missed them.

Launching Study Lenses and following the material

Once lenses2 is properly installed on your system, you can go to your WDX-180 folder and run lenses2 with the material for this Module:

  • cd WDX-180/
  • lenses2 curriculum/modules/javascript/denepo/_understanding-programs/

Now it’s time to go through the material. For this Module you will only need to go through the following sections:

  • 0-let-vs-const
  • 1-predicting-execution
  • 2-reading-programs
  • 3-plain-text-programs
  • 4-describing-programs

Extra Resources

(Nothing here yet. Feel free to contribute if you’ve found some useful resources.)

Week 08 - Day 2 | Understanding Programs - Part 2


Study Plan

In this Module, we are continuing our journey into “Understanding Programs”

Make sure to follow the guides on Setting up Study Lenses (v2) on your System and Launching Study Lenses and following the material from Part 1 and then go through the following sections:

  • 5-logging-state
  • 6-tracing-backwards
  • 7-naming-variables
  • 8-code-review
  • z-challenge

Extra Resources

(Nothing here yet. Feel free to contribute if you’ve found some useful resources.)

Week 08 - Day 3 | Developing Programs - Part 1


Study Plan

This Module is about “Developing Programs”. Now it’s finally time to put those skills into action! Hop on the material provided and you’ll soon be able to start writing programs from a blank page!

In order to follow the material, you will need to install and use the study-lenses tool. Here are the instructions in case you’ve missed them.

Launching Study Lenses and following the material

Once lenses2 is properly installed on your system, you can go to your WDX-180 folder and run lenses2 with the material for this Module:

  • cd WDX-180/
  • lenses2 curriculum/modules/javascript/denepo/_developing-programs/

Now it’s time to go through the material. For this Module you will only need to go through the following sections:

  • 0-pair-programming
  • 1-linting
  • 2-fixing-errors

Extra Resources

(Nothing here yet. Feel free to contribute if you’ve found some useful resources.)

Week 08 - Day 4 | Developing Programs - Part 2


Study Plan

In this Module, we are continuing our journey into “Developing Programs”

Make sure to follow the guides on Setting up Study Lenses (v2) on your System and Launching Study Lenses and following the material from Part 1 and then go through the following sections:

  • 3-fixing-bugs
  • 4-modifying-programs
  • 5-refactoring

Extra Resources

(Nothing here yet. Feel free to contribute if you’ve found some useful resources.)

Week 08 - Day 5 | Developing Programs - Part 3


Study Plan

In this Module, we are continuing our journey into “Developing Programs”

Make sure to follow the guides on Setting up Study Lenses (v2) on your System and Launching Study Lenses and following the material from Part 1 and then go through the following sections:

  • 6-from-spec
  • 7-reverse-engineering
  • 8-imagining-programs

Extra Resources

(Nothing here yet. Feel free to contribute if you’ve found some useful resources.)

Weekly feedback: Hey, it’s really important for us to know how your experience with the course has been so far, so don’t forget to fill in and submit your mandatory feedback form before the day ends. Thanks you!

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