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Web Development X

HTML Attributes

Luke has sent a map to iCafe. Using HTML attributes, we can turn this into a link that we can click on. Won has responded with a funny gif. Wouldn’t it be nice if we showed it as an image in the message?

Complete the following steps in the index.html file:

  1. In Luke’s message, use the <a> tag with the href attribute to turn the word “iCafe” into a link that can be clicked.

  2. In Won’s message, use the <img> tag with the src attribute to show the funny gif in the message.

  3. When you are finished, use git to add, commit and push your changes.

  4. You’ll have to copy the files existing in the folder and place them in the corresponding folder inside your user/ folder.

For example:

git add user/week01/exercises/day03/2-html-attributes/
git commit -m "Completed 2-html-attributes exercise"
git push

If you are having trouble, review the following information about HTML Attributes, Links and Images.

Sources and Attributions

Content is based on the following sources:

Project maintained by in-tech-gration Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham