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What is JavaScript



(Updated: 19/08/2023)

JavaScript is a programming language that adds interactivity to your website. This happens in games, in the behavior of responses when buttons are pressed or with data entry on forms; with dynamic styling; with animation, etc. This article helps you get started with JavaScript and furthers your understanding of what is possible.

JavaScript is a powerful programming language that can add interactivity to a website. It was invented by Brendan Eich.

JavaScript is versatile and beginner-friendly. With more experience, you’ll be able to create games, animated 2D and 3D graphics, comprehensive database-driven apps, and much more!

JavaScript itself is relatively compact, yet very flexible. Developers have written a variety of tools on top of the core JavaScript language, unlocking a vast amount of functionality with minimum effort. These include:

It’s outside the scope of this article—as a light introduction to JavaScript—to present the details of how the core JavaScript language is different from the tools listed above. You can learn more in MDN’s JavaScript learning area, as well as in other parts of MDN.

The section below introduces some aspects of the core language and offers an opportunity to play with a few browser API features too. Have fun!

JavaScript (or “JS”) is a programming language used most often for dynamic and interactive content on webpages, but it is also often used on the server*-side, using software such as Node.js.

A server is a software or hardware offering a service to a user, usually referred to as client. Services are provided generally over local area networks or wide area networks such as the internet.

For example:

An Internet-connected Web server is sending a HTML file to your browser software so that you can read this page

JavaScript should not be confused with the Java programming language. Although “Java” and “JavaScript” are trademarks (or registered trademarks) of Oracle in the U.S. and other countries, the two programming languages are significantly different in their syntax, semantics, and use cases.

JavaScript is primarily used in the browser, enabling developers to manipulate webpage content and data, draw graphics, interact with the device running the browser through various APIs, and more. JavaScript is one of the world’s most commonly-used languages, owing to the recent growth and performance improvement of APIs available in browsers.

Origins and History

Conceived as a server-side language by Brendan Eich (then employed by the Netscape Corporation), JavaScript soon came to Netscape Navigator 2.0 in September 1995. JavaScript enjoyed immediate success and Internet Explorer 3.0 introduced JavaScript support under the name JScript in August 1996.

In November 1996, Netscape began working with Ecma International to make JavaScript an industry standard. Since then, the standardized JavaScript is called ECMAScript and specified under ECMA-262, whose latest (twelfth, ES2021) edition is available as of June 2021.

Recently, JavaScript’s popularity has expanded even further through the successful Node.js platform—the most popular cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment outside the browser. Node.js - built using Chrome’s V8 JavaScript Engine - allows developers to use JavaScript as a scripting language to automate things on a computer and build fully functional servers.

A high-level definition

JavaScript is a scripting or programming language that allows you to implement complex features on web pages — every time a web page does more than just sit there and display static information for you to look at — displaying timely content updates, interactive maps, animated 2D/3D graphics, scrolling video jukeboxes, etc. — you can bet that JavaScript is probably involved. It is the third pillar of the standard web technologies, along with (HTML and CSS).

The three layers build on top of one another nicely.

So what can it really do?

The core client-side JavaScript language consists of some common programming features that allow you to do things like:

What is even more exciting however is the functionality built on top of the client-side JavaScript language. So-called Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) provide you with extra superpowers to use in your JavaScript code.

APIs are ready-made sets of code building blocks that allow a developer to implement programs that would otherwise be hard or impossible to implement. They do the same thing for programming that ready-made furniture kits do for home building — it is much easier to take ready-cut panels and screw them together to make a bookshelf than it is to work out the design yourself, go and find the correct wood, cut all the panels to the right size and shape, find the correct-sized screws, and then put them together to make a bookshelf.

They generally fall into two categories.

Two categories of API; 3rd party APIs are shown to the side of the browser and browser APIs are in the browser

Browser APIs are built into your web browser, and are able to expose data from the surrounding computer environment, or do useful complex things. For example:

Note: Many of the above demos won’t work in an older browser — when experimenting, it’s a good idea to use a modern browser like Firefox, Chrome, Edge or Opera to run your code in. You will need to consider cross browser testing in more detail when you get closer to delivering production code (i.e. real code that real customers will use).

Third party APIs are not built into the browser by default, and you generally have to grab their code and information from somewhere on the Web. For example:

There’s a lot more available, too! However, don’t get over excited just yet. You won’t be able to build the next Facebook, Google Maps, or Instagram after studying JavaScript for 24 hours — there are a lot of basics to cover first.

What is JavaScript doing on your page?

Let’s explore what actually happens when you run some JavaScript in your page.

Let’s briefly recap the story of what happens when you load a web page in a browser. When you load a web page in your browser, you are running your code (the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) inside an execution environment (the browser tab). This is like a factory that takes in raw materials (the code) and outputs a product (the web page).

HTML, CSS and JavaScript code come together to create the content in the browser tab when the page is loaded

A very common use of JavaScript is to dynamically modify HTML and CSS to update a user interface, via the Document Object Model API (as mentioned above). Note that the code in your web documents is generally loaded and executed in the order it appears on the page. Errors may occur if JavaScript is loaded and run before the HTML and CSS that it is intended to modify.

Browser security

Each browser tab has its own separate bucket for running code in (these buckets are called “execution environments” in technical terms) — this means that in most cases the code in each tab is run completely separately, and the code in one tab cannot directly affect the code in another tab — or on another website. This is a good security measure — if this were not the case, then pirates could start writing code to steal information from other websites, and other such bad things.

Note: There are ways to send code and data between different websites/tabs in a safe manner, but these are advanced techniques that will be covered in another module.

JavaScript running order

When the browser encounters a block of JavaScript, it generally runs it in order, from top to bottom. This means that you need to be careful what order you put things in.

Note: This is a very common error — you need to be careful that the objects referenced in your code exist before you try to do stuff to them.

Server-side versus client-side code

You might also hear the terms server-side and client-side code, especially in the context of web development. Client-side code is code that is run on the user’s computer — when a web page is viewed, the page’s client-side code is downloaded, then run and displayed by the browser. In this module we are explicitly talking about client-side JavaScript.

Server-side code on the other hand is run on the server, then its results are downloaded and displayed in the browser. Examples of popular server-side web languages include PHP, Python, Ruby, ASP.NET, and even JavaScript! JavaScript can also be used as a server-side language, for example in the popular Node.js environment.

Dynamic versus static code

The word dynamic is used to describe both client-side JavaScript, and server-side languages — it refers to the ability to update the display of a web page/app to show different things in different circumstances, generating new content as required. Server-side code dynamically generates new content on the server, e.g. pulling data from a database, whereas client-side JavaScript dynamically generates new content inside the browser on the client, e.g. creating a new HTML table, filling it with data requested from the server, then displaying the table in a web page shown to the user. The meaning is slightly different in the two contexts, but related, and both approaches (server-side and client-side) usually work together.

A web page with no dynamically updating content is referred to as static — it just shows the same content all the time.

Getting started with JavaScript

A very useful tool for exploring JavaScript is the JavaScript Console (sometimes called the Web Console, or just the console): this is a tool which enables you to enter JavaScript and run it in the current page.

The screenshots here show the Firefox Web Console, but all modern browsers ship with a console that works in a similar way.

Opening the console

The exact instructions for opening the console vary from one browser to another:

Entering and running JavaScript

The console appears at the bottom of the browser window. Along the bottom of the console is an input line that you can use to enter JavaScript, and the output appears in the panel above:

A browser window with the web console open at the bottom, containing two lines of input and output. Text can be entered below that.

Multi-line input in the console

By default, if you press Enter (or Return, depending on your keyboard) after entering a line of code, then the string you typed is executed. To enter multi-line input:

To get started with writing JavaScript, open the console, copy the following code, and paste it in at the prompt:

alert(`Hello World!`);

Press Enter to watch it unfold in your browser!

How do you add JavaScript to your page?

JavaScript is applied to your HTML page in a similar manner to CSS. Whereas CSS uses <link> elements to apply external stylesheets and <style> elements to apply internal stylesheets to HTML, JavaScript only needs one friend in the world of HTML — the <script> element. Let’s learn how this works.

Internal vs External JavaScript

You can either declare a <script></script> element and insert the JavaScript code inside opening and closing tags:

    // JavaScript goes here

Or, you can store the JavaScript code in an external file, e.g. named script.js and load it via the src attribute of the <script> tag.

  <script src="script.js"></script>


As with HTML and CSS, it is possible to write comments into your JavaScript code that will be ignored by the browser, and exist to provide instructions to your fellow developers on how the code works (and you, if you come back to your code after six months and can’t remember what you did). Comments are very useful, and you should use them often, particularly for larger applications. There are two types:

Note: In general more comments are usually better than less, but you should be careful if you find yourself adding lots of comments to explain what variables are (your variable names perhaps should be more intuitive), or to explain very simple operations (maybe your code is overcomplicated).


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