Machine Learning X

Project maintained by in-tech-gration Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Machine Learning X

A free, open-source Machine Learning & Data Science curriculum that’s currently under heavy development. This is a project by intechgration.

Required Software

Make sure to install the following software on your machine:


Prerequisites | How Computers Work

Prerequisites | How the Internet Works

Prerequisites | Data Formats

Here are some of the most commonly used data formats. They are used to save information in a way that is readable both by humans and machines. The structured data stored in these file formats can be exchanged between systems and processed by programs.

CSV (Comma-Separated Values) is a simple file format used for storing and exchanging structured data, where each line represents a record or entry, and fields or columns within each record are separated by commas.

In short, CSV is a lightweight data format, where:

Feel free to explore and become familiar with other related data formats and their variations, such as TSV (Tab Separated Values), TOML (Tom’s Obvious, Minimal Language) and other.

Prerequisites | Terminal


Prerequisites | Databases

SQL is the most widely used language in Data Science.

Prerequisites | Python

“Python, is the primary high-level language for Machine Learning and Data Science.”

You can practice Python online (without the need to install anything on your machine) through the PythonFiddle website

Extra Resources:

Prerequisites | Statistics

Pick one of the following courses for a primary on Statistics (or watch both of them for an even better understanding of the topic):
